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This was simply lovely!


I REALLY enjoyed this!!
I was only sad I couldn't get even more requests done haha. Once I found the setting to turn off the auto-drag it was even more fun. These kind of relaxing repair games are right up my alley so I cannot wait to see where you guys take this and if it becomes a full game I would absolutely support it!

Thank you so, so much!! We're so glad you enjoyed it :3 Feel free to join our Discord Server to stay up to date !


really laggy on my laptop, but I'm sure it's a great game

Hey! Sorry for the late reply :( What are the specs of your device? 
Plus: did you set graphics to minimum?


once you reminded me that I could change the graphics, I lowered them and now it's fine. I had fun playing it, thank you!

Yayyy!!! So glad to hear you had fun :3


It's fun, I feel like it could be even better if there was an option to make the game less handholdy. Right now the game manages all the components for you, and even though there is the option to drag and drop all parts, you can just click them which in my opinion makes the game slightly to simple.
Other than that, it's nice, comfy and fun.

Hey! Thank you so much :3
We decided to go for the "drag and drop from an anchor point to another" since it deeply resonated with our chill and relaxing mood. 

In the "game" settings there's an option that removes the auto-anchor of the screwdriver, we could do the same for the auto drag and drop!


A fun little game, but the control for the screwdriver feels a little clunky to me, which given how much you use it can end up being a bit of a drag.

Hi! Thank you so much for your feedback :D Could you please help us by explaining what felt unnatural in the screwdriver to you? 
We're working on polishing gestures as much as possible so it's super super appreciated!!


When using the scroll wheel to screw and unscrew things it's pretty much impossible to not have to consistently stop and restart the motion, just due to the way your fingers have to move to scroll. This inability to commit to one fluid motion for one action ends up making it feel rather slow.

(1 edit) (+1)

How many language have this game?When only english well good idea be make more language(German Spanish Russian and another)

Hey! English is the only language available so far but we're working on localizing it in other languages as well. We should start around mid september!


This game is absolutely gorgeous.

Thank you!!!! : 3



Thank you so much for playing our game and for the video!


It was cute enough Just had an Issue and Also Not to you but Most Game devs Never show controls in game which I wouldn't mind cuz I dont wanna Really on the Game page cuz I forget easy, other than That had fun and a Bug when Battery wasn't considered changed.

Btw didnt help it was 12 at night and my brain cell's didnt work right or id do more


Hey! Thank you so much for your video, so sorry to hear it was overwhelming : ( 

Feedback heard loud and clear, we will find a suitable way to add the controls to the tutorial!

im sorry too I may Have been a bit too mean I was just tired as Hell when I played, prob should've played sooner rather than Later, also thanks for responding


This game was so cuteee! The last repair sent me to places tho haha, i love it!


Ahhhh!!!! Thank you so much for your video and so sorry the last console felt overwhelming 😭😭

haha its okay, I finally went back and played the last one. It wasn't as bad as i thought 😂








Thanks... I guess? hahaha


Great relaxing game with a nice charm to it.  However I encountered a few technical problems while playing, specifically trying to read the repair manual I was having trouble getting the pages to turn, I tried clicking the corners, holding the left mouse button down and dragging it across and even clicking the edges of the page, nothing, whenever I was able to turn a page it felt more like it happened out of chance. So a "turn page" button would be nice.

Also I feel as though some "photo" system would be nice to add as well, I can't speak for everyone here but whenever I repair something in real life I take a photo of each step I made so when I put it back together I have references to remember where things go.  A function such as that would be very handy indeed.

Looking forward to trying out the full release everntually.

Hey! Thank you so much :D

And thanks for your feedback, we will work on making the manual's swiping more intuitive. The photo system would be super cool to implement! It's already a thing for customization (works a bit differently tho) so it could be doable and a nice touch.

Again: thanks a lot, if you want to stay up to date feel free to join our community on Discord!!

(1 edit) (+2)

the game is cool but so far my main issue is the animations. these really need to be a lot more snappy, and in some places honestly there shouldnt be any animations at all (like the chips for example)

also, generally i do think everything is just too simple. same screw type, same chips, and same wires. little to no variation in anything here and lack of depth in many things.

i dont know if it should be super advanced or similar to actually tinkering around with these things irl (though, that would be fire) but it definitely needs just like... more. lol.

Hey! Thank you so much for your feedback.
As for the animations and improved feedback: yep, we definitely need to keep working on that. 

As for the inside of the consoles: we chose to make the circuits similar to each other by simplifying and using modular pieces. So it shouldn't look like the real thing.
But we do need more variety in a full release! We want to add more tools and more stuff to do with the circuits :D


Awesome Game GG

Thank you so much!


I adored this game! I love the art style and the sound design is super fun! Movement at times could feel a bit slow or clunky, which bothered me at times, but it also helped me to approach things more methodically. I can't wait to see the full release!!

Hi! Thank you so much <3 We're planning both to work on the animations to make them smoother and to add a feature toggleable by the player to adjust their speed to play the game at their own pace.

That's awesome and sounds like a good compromise so that both speedy and slower playstyles have a way to play comfortably.  Awesome work and thanks for the reply ^^


Wow, this game is so chill and adorable! It is so satisfying..

Thank you so much!!

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