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(2 edits)

very cute game!!! this is exactly the kind of niche genre i love. maybe i'm being silly and missed something obvious, but how do you charge the batteries in the first repair? i put everything back together and i thought the solution would present itself when i flipped the console back over, but it doesn't move when i try to do that. it's fine if that's intended, i'm just not sure what to do.

sidenote: i love that you scroll the mouse wheel back to unscrew, and forward to screw in. it's that special attention to controls that really complete games like these

Hey! To change the batteries you have to unscrew the smaller lid, remove the old one which will be moved to the waste bin, then insert the new one and screw everything back together :) Hope it helped!

And thank you SO much for the compliments and for appreciating that detail hehe it warms my heart knowing you liked it ❤️

this does help! keep up the good work!!

This was so lovely!! So peaceful and intuitive. Really beautiful work.

Thank you so much!!!

Very relaxing game but sadly crashed while I'm enjoying it. I'll screenshot the error later if I encountered this again!

 5 stars.

Hey hey! Thank you so much :) If you managed to send us a screenshot it would be amazingly helpful!

Most of the bugs have been fixed so far thanks to your amazing support and I will post a new build in a couple days. If you want to stay up to date, feel free to join our Discord Server!

Here, It randomly crashes while I'm playing the game. It doesn't give me any details what caused the fatal error. 


Hi! Thank you so much, we have uploaded a new build that fixed a couple bugs that could have caused it :)

INCREDIBLE. honestly, i dont know why this is free. even though it is short, it is so lovely and so relaxing. its pretty simple, but still requires you to flex your brain a decent amount. if this was a fully fledged game, which might be your guys' plan, it would be in the organizing games hall of fame along with unpacking and a little to the left!! the sounds were great and so were the visuals. one suggestion, i would recommend adding more items in the shop. you can buy them all with 200 left over just from your first job. great game and, if it does continue to progress and get updated, i cant wait to see it become a more incredible game!!

!!! Thank you so much, from the bottom of our hearts ❤️❤️

Yes, we're currently working (at the moment trying to re-organize because we were not expecting this incredible support) on expanding it and creating a longer game with a lot more customization.

If you want to join us in our journey and help us with new ideas and suggestions, feel free to join our Discord Server!


Super cute game & clearly made with love. on the gamejoy repair there seems to be a bug where if you put the batteries in before taking the back off, you cannot put the battery cover back on at the end. If you put the batteries & the cover on before taking the back off you are then unable to put the back on at the end. Thank you for this lovely free game <3


Thank you SO much!! <3 

And thanks for reporting the bug. We have fixed it!!

looks great so far! tho when i try to do my first repair and put the screwdriver in my cursor glitches and is unable to move away from the spot i clicked, the only way to fix it is to reset the repair but i cant do anything without removing the screws!!

Hello hello! Thank you so much for playing our game and for your feedback :)
Bug reported to our programmer, tysm!

How cozy this game! I enjoyed the gameplay btw and I suggest you to add more consoles to fix in future update, thank you

Hey! Thank you so much :) That is definitely our plan for the next future! If you want to keep following us and/or give ideas and suggestions, you are welcome to join our Discord Server!!!

for some reason with my laptop trackpad i can't take the back off the first item, even with all the screws removed. kind of a bummer that figuring out how to do it is unintuitive, at least for me.


Hey! Thank you so much for playing our game and for your feedback, we're definitely going to take it into account for future quality of life updates!

(1 edit) (+1)

If I can't repair my DSi I hope I can at least repair this a digital console

Edit: Turns out I can't do that either because Unreal Engine doesn't support my graphics card.

Hi! Could you tell us what's your graphics card? :)

GeForce 920M. It's not supported and the drivers can't be upgraded


loved this game! super short cozy experience! I really liked that you were able to decorate the consoles after fixing them, but I wish that there was a little more variety in the fixes overall aside from the same chip mechanisms. But for a short free experience, it's really well executed! Look forward to seeing more from y'all

Hey hey! Thank you so much for your feedback, we really appreciate it and it means the world to us <3 

After delivering a stable demo here, we'll be working on a complete game :) If you want to stay up to date/give us suggestions feel free to join our Discord Server!


I cannot stress enough how much I enjoy this game before I say this, but in it's current state it is unplayable for me. In the first repair the battery is finicky in whether the game recognizes that i have replaced it or not. I had to reset twice before i was able to finish. Once i moved onto the second level the repair actually went smoothly until the very end, when I attempted to put the battery cover back on it would just go back to it's place on the desk. Very cute game, I love the style and the gameplay, but I'm not going to play if I have to continuously reset to get a lucky game-state. Keep up the great work, however!


Hi! Thanks a lot for taking the time to write this super detailed report!! <3 We're super glad to hear you like it and we've been working since the first feedbacks to fix these bugs! :)

If you want to stay up to date with new builds, fixes or give us suggestions we created our Discord Server!


hii, is this available in macbook air?


Hey! We haven't been able to build for Mac yet; we could do it in the future, tho :)

It is now!

This game was super fun! I had a fatal error on my last repair it’s in my video!


Thank you so much! We're really glad you enjoyed it :) And thanks for the bug report- we're working on fixing it!

of course! thank you guys for being quick to fix bugs! it doesn't go unnoticed!!!

We'll try our best to be as quick as possible and release a flawless build ASAP! 

We just created our discord server so, if you're interested, you can stay up to date, test new builds and/or give suggestions on new stickers and consoles!


Love this game, it's super cute, but I keep running into a "Fatal Error" when fixing the EES

Hey!!! Thank you SO much for your feedback :) We're slowly working on fixing all the bugs that have been reported so far. Could you help us by explaining what were you doing when the Fatal Error happened? 


I was putting the components back into the EES and it just crashed outta nowhere.

Hi does this work on mobile?


Hey! This is still a demo for PC only :) We could think about it in the future (but it will probably take a long time) 

Ok thank you 😊 


Love this, absolutely amazing and really good for people who wanna be cute and learn how to fix tech. 


Oh my!! Thank you SO much!! <3

For the first repair, the battery doesn't work.

Thank you for your feedback! We will fix it asap

This game has very cool visuals but please create a tutorial i cant continue cause i dont know what to do ):

Thank you for your feedback!! We will add to make a proper tutorial to the next update :) 

In the meantime: where are you stuck right now? I can explain you what to do

Im at the very start lmao i know nothing about repairing anything really 

Got it! I'm writing a quick tutorial to explain how to repair and I will add it to the description of the game; in the meantime we're working on a new build with a proper homeboarding item :) 

Ahh okay great ! Thank you so much (:

Hey! Sorry for the delay :) While we're working on the new build, we created a small tutorial you can check right here on the page. Hope it's helpful!

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