Boss fight and new level!

Hello there from Friendly Fire Games!

During the last couple of weeks we have worked on adding more contents to Gods Gauntlet and we can annouce the addition of a brand new level and of the first Boss fight!

Besides these main implementations, we focused on polishing the gameplay and the visuals.
And on preparing the framework for the next main features to be implemented and that will add a lot of replayability. 

Here you can find a quick recap of what has been done and what has changed. Major implementations await ahead and will be fulfilled in the upcoming weeks!!

  • Boss Fight

    The first boss of the game is here!
    Ready yourself to face an overcoming danger in an everchanging arena!
    The player is called to defeat a vicious boss, capable of raising and lowering the terrain and surrounded by a moltitude of minions.

    The boss fight is not still complete, but completely playable and represents the supreme challenge of the game, where the player has to make good use of all the mastery he has built up so far.

  • Level 3

    A brand new level, set on mountain peaks, where the danger comes as much from enemies as from dizzying heights.
    Even if not polished, the level presents a tough challenge, but also new ways for the player to overcome the enemies: we added a new weapon and a new interactable item, check them out below!

  • Hook and Cart

    The grappling hook is a Level 3 exclusive weapon that allows the player to cover large distances seamlessly and to achieve a previously unprecedented amount of mobility.

    Cart is a Level 3 exclusive interactable item that grants the player the ability of speeding up its run and to kill enemies standing on his path! At the same time!

    The two can also be mixed, becoming a fearsome killing machine!

What lies ahead

In the upcoming weeks we will add several contents, such as:

  • Level modifiers 
  • Cosmetic rewards
  • And, of course, we will focus on polishing and reworking the current contents!

That's all from Friendly Fire Games for now, until the next devlog!


Gods Gauntlet - Update 3 1.2 GB
Jun 24, 2022

Get Gods Gauntlet

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